Sunday, November 12, 2006

Faliure and Sucess

What is faliure and sucess? These are important part of our life from which we cannot apart ourself.In our day to day life we experience both of them in many ways. For example in our academics,personal life any in so many other parts. But when we face faliure many time it affect us mentally and emotionally.Ever we have think over it? Answer is no because that verey time we are not in such a mental state that we can think over it. But we need to think over it any try to over come our failure.These thing seems good in theory but practically it is difficult. At this time we need a emotional support our beloved one means our family member. Due to failure so many negative thought flash in our mind.Why we feel too much on our failure because our expectation is not fullfilled. The main reason of our pain is expectation of our own and of our family members.